Starshine Legacy 2 S

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So because I haven’t seen it on my dash yet and because wondered if someone could translate it, here are the info pages from the Swedish Jorvik Gazette, translated to English to the best of my ability Lisa Peterson & Starshine “Music calms/comforts me.” Lisa Peterson As a child, Lisa rode as she shared the interest for horses with her mother, but fell off and got hurt badly, making her too scared to continue. When her mother died, her father decided to move to Jorvik to work at Dark Core’s oil rigs, and so, Lisa followed and ended up at Jorvik’s school. The great interest in horses was revived when Lisa met Starshine, and now they’re one in the fight against the dark powers. Lisa is, also, a skilled musician and does well with most string instruments - everything from guitar to harp. Starshine Starshine is Lisa’s loyal companion. Starshine was born in the wild, but was unfortunately separated from his herd as a foal and was taken care of by Herman at the Jorvik Stable. He has lived there ever since, and that’s where he met Lisa.

  1. Starshine Legacy 2 Download
  2. Starshine Legacy Horse Adventures Online

Starshine Starshine is Lisa’s loyal companion. I got in a Starshine Legacy mood today and decided to draw my versions of the Starshine girls! And in ink too! Find great deals on eBay for starshine legacy and star stable. Shop with confidence.

While Lisa is away traveling, Starshine always stays in the Jorvik stables, where he eagerly awaits her return. Starshine is one of the fastest horses on/in Jorvik, and very few horses can keep up with this powerful horse. Anne von Blyssen & Concorde “I’m the best!” Anne von Blyssen She’s aristocratic in her demeanour and is experienced as snobbish, uppish and vain by others. She cares a lot about her appearance and likes posing for the camera, as she once really wanted to be a model. Anne comes from one of Jorvik’s richest families and has grown up like a princess. She has very high thoughts of herself and doesn’t always realise that she needs to be more humble.

She’s known as one of Jorvik’s most skilled dressage riders and has competed globally with Concorde, even after she discovered the magical bond between them. Anne strives to be the best in the world both at dressage and show jumping. Concorde Anne’s horse Concorde is similar to his rider in terms of demeanour, and can sometimes think very highly of himself. While Anne sometimes can realise that she’s a bit too snobbish, Concorde is stubborn like nothing else and stands proudly by being the handsomest, most cared for and best raised horse not only on Jorvik, but in all of existence.

His beautiful pattern of movement makes him the perfect dressage horse and in later years, he has also competed in show jumping. Alex Cloudmill & Tin-Can “The truth is my main weapon!” Alex Cloudmill Alex is a tough girl from the suburbs. The Cloudmill family has unfortunately always been poor, and Alex has had to work hard during her childhood in the concrete outside of Jorvik City.

Her little brother James often gets into trouble, and Alex helps him when needed. Alex is a helpful and enterprising girl who’s not afraid of conflict. Alex is a true fighter in soul and heart. Truth, loyalty, family and friendship are her catchwords. She has good reasoning skills, and is a good leader, even if she’d rather not shoulder the leader role in a group. But she has a good judgement and people listen to her. Tin-Can Tin-Can is alike his owner Alex - he’s unafraid, forward-thinking and never says no to an adventure.

He thrives in the woods, especially during a fast gallop over logs and rocks. Tin-Can is the toughest of the Soul Rider’s horses, and like Alex, he’s a born leader. He is the smallest of the four horses, but size means nothing! Linda Chandler & Meteor “Knowledge is power.” Linda Chandler Linda is known as a bookworm and she loves both reading and knowledge. Her love for books has more than once made people label her as a little bit special, but that’s nothing she cares about. She is always open to changes and new people.

She is naturally curious, which can easily get her into trouble, but her thirst for more knowledge helps her move forward all the time. Before she discovered her magic gifts, her great goal was to become a jumping rider, and she has competed in show jumping together with Meteor.

Linda studies to learn as much as possible about almost everything. She is first and foremost interested in culture and history. If any questions about history are posed, Lina is the first person to turn to. Meteor Meteor is the oldest of the Soul Rider’s horses, and just like Linda, he possesses a lot of knowledge. Despite his great wisdom, he’s easily distracted - his greatest interest in life is food, and he rarely thinks of anything else. It’s a miracle that his belly isn’t rounder! Together with Linda, he has competed a lot in show jumping, with great success.

“There are times in life when something happens and you have to make a choice, and this choice will change your path in life forever. You create your own destiny, but sometimes, just sometimes destiny chooses you.” Chapter 1: First Day of School “Because of her father’s job, Lisa’s life is upside down. Torn away from the city where she grew up, she finds herself in the remote little seaside town of Jorvik. With no friends and no idea of how things work around here, she works up as much courage and strength as she can possibly find, and prepares herself for her first day in this strange place.” Summary: You, as Lisa, start your first day of school at Jorvik High.

Meet new friends and enemies as you navigate the halls. Seems there’s more to getting registered for classes than simply walking into the registrar’s office! Chapter 2: Jorvik Stables “Filled with impressions from her first day in school, Lisa braces herself and walks up to the Jorvik Stables.

The memory of horseback riding as a kid feels vague compared to the memory of falling down, injuring herself. She takes a deep breath, and heads for the stables to return Linda’s keys.” Summary: Head over to the stables in search of Linda (you need to return her keys from the first level).

In front of the barn, you meet Mr. Herman, who regretfully tells you there are no more spots open on the Jorvik Stables Riding Roster. You then meet a sick horse named Starshine. No one seems to know what’s wrong with him – until he starts speaking to you! Return Linda’s keys and convince Herman to let you take Starshine for a ride.

Earn yourself a place on the riding team and protect Starshine from a dark evil that is threatening to hurt him! Chapter 3: The Library “So much has happened in such a short time. Linda seemed to have important news but Lisa feels terrible about leaving Starshine in the state he is in. When she arrives at school it is late at night, and she knows that she is not really allowed here at this time. She sneaks into the dark and eerie building.” Summary: Rush to the library and sneak past the janitor who is keeping watch. Meet Linda in the library and learn what she has found out while conducting her research.


Seems there are some books missing – go out into the hall and collect them for her. What Dark Core secrets do these books hold? And who are the four girls who went missing during a school trip and were rescued by Little Starshine?

The answers will have to wait – Anne calls with awful news about Starshine! Chapter 4: Where is Starshine? “Lisa rushes over to the stables. When she woke up this morning she didn’t know anyone here, but now she feels that she has lost her best friend.

How does it all add up? Sands, Starshine, and Sabine, and the mysterious Dark Core – they are all somehow connected but Lisa can’t make out how. She curses herself for leaving Starshine in such a state. She knows that she will do everything in her power to get Starshine back, and never leave him again“ Summary: Head into the stables and talk to Mr.

Herman, Anne, and Alex. Starshine has been horse-napped by Dark Core goons! Seems they’ve dropped a clue as to their whereabouts in the stables. But Sabine is up to no good – she locks you in the barn! With Anne’s and Alex’s help, escape the barn and go in search of Starshine! Chapter 5: The Industrial Complex “With a determination she did not believe she had in her, Lisa starts making her way into the dark and scary woods.

Though she never walked these woods before, even in daylight, she feels guided by the presence of Starshine. The thought of him pushes the chill of the night away, and gives her the strength to walk even faster. She arrives at the location Anne told her about, and starts scanning the surroundings.” Summary: You arrive just outside the walls of the Dark Core Industrial Complex. Seems the pipes will be your ticket inside! Navigate your way through the complex by avoiding spotlights, crawling through pipes, and walking over large waterways. Find and use an unattended keycard to gain access to locked buildings. When you find Starshine, cause a distraction to get rid of the guards.

Use your powers to heal him, and a special tool Anne gave you to set him free. Then get ready to ride as fast as you can to freedom!

Starshine the game

Chapter 6: The Woods “Something is haunting Lisa in the dark woods, rapidly. There is no time for safe riding now, and wherever the path leads them, it has got to be better than being caught by the thing following them. A fast, dangerous and treacherous road awaits Lisa and Starshine, and Lisa can only trust her instinct to let him loose.” Summary: The Dark Rider has been sent after you! Ride through the woods and avoid her clutches. The blue stars will guide you.

Take as many shortcuts as you can find. At the end, you find safety in the Secret Stone Ring. What are those strange markings on the stone at your feet? They look oddly familiar Chapter 7: The Competition “The day of the tournament has come and now it is time to see if Lisa and Starshine can repeat the great ride from the forest. Sabine will be the opponent and she obviously doesn’t like Lisa, but Lisa won’t let that get her down. She has found good friends in the other girls, and most of all in Starshine.” Summary: The day of the competition has arrived, and it’s you against Sabine!

Starshine Legacy 2 Download

Win at least 2 of the 3 rounds to win the tournament. Ride fast for 3 laps each round and you’ll easily pass her.

Avoid the hay bales. “A strong bond has been tied between a young girl and a very special horse, but also between four friends. A bond that will grow stronger and be tested in the darker times ahead.

Good morning starshine

Starshine Legacy Horse Adventures Online

A dark and sinister force is lurking in Jorvik, and time will show that the friendships forged will be the first, last, and only line of defense in the battle to come.”.