Endnote Dictionary Converter

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Endnote Dictionary Converter Average ratng: 5,0/5 2303 votes
  1. Dictionary Translator

I have a good number of Word files containing entries with source citations enclosed between brackets, like this: Over time, however, I've accumulated enough such citations, that it sort of hampers the ability to visually read the text, so I'd like to convert those 'in-line' citations into endnotes. I've been trying (unsuccessfully) for a while now to figure out how to write a macro that would do the following:. Search for all instances of text contained between a '. Allow for a 'Replace' or 'Find Next' option (as in Search/Replace) so that I could choose to skip a particular instance if desired and move on the next find. If choose NOT to skip ('Find Next'), then strip out the ', and then convert the remaining text (what was originally between the ') into an endnote. This would clean up the text itself, while preserving the specific citations and their connection to the particular text in the doc, nicely tucked into the endnote section.

Hi Paul, I wonder if you can assist me, considering your expertise above! I also had a macro to convert endnotes but instead of superscript, it converts the superscript to e.g. It worked well in Word versions before 2010 and now 2013 for some of the endnotes, although looking correct following the coversion, i.e., (1, 3, 18, 25), now may be something like: (NOTEREF Ref358900815 f. MERGEFORMAT 1, NOTEREF Ref211139052 f. MERGEFORMAT 3, 18, 25) Are you able to advise? Regards, Harris The present macro: Public Sub ConvertFootnotes 'This procedure converts all EndNotes in a document to normal text. 'Word stores the EndNotes as EndNote objects in the EndNotes collection.

'We want to keep the information as is, but as text in the main document 'instead of EndNote objects. 'We will do this by replacing the EndNote reference in the main document '(usually a superscripted number) with a hardcoded text representation of 'the number. Formatting is removed and the number places in brackets. 'The text of the EndNotes that Word normally places at the end of the 'document or section will be entered as plain text at the end of the 'document. The EndNote objects can then be deleted. 'NOTE: When there are multiple references to one EndNote, only one 'occurrance in the main document is stored as an EndNote reference.

'All the other references are stored as Bookmarks. After processing 'the endnotes, we may be left with some Bookmarks which we'll have 'to process seperately. 'switch to main document If ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintView Or ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdWebView Or ActiveWindow.ActivePane.View.Type = wdPrintPreview Then ActiveWindow.View.SeekView = wdSeekMainDocument Else ActiveWindow.Panes(2).Close End If Dim Note As Endnote Dim NoteReference As String Dim NoteText As String 'Loop through all the EndNotes and '1.

Dictionary Translator

Enter the reference number in brackets in the main document, e.g. Enter the EndNote text at the bottom of the document.

EndNote X8 Converting from Reference Manager to EndNote 5 Click the Convert button to convert the database. Give your new EndNote library a name.

For Each Note In ActiveDocument.Endnotes With Note NoteText =.Range.Text NoteReference =.Index Call Selection.SetRange(.Reference.End,.Reference.End) Selection.Font.Superscript = True Selection.TypeText (NoteReference) Selection.Font.Superscript = False Call Selection.EndKey(wdStory) Call Selection.TypeText(NoteReference & '. ' & NoteText) 'Type' the EndNote text at the end of the document. Selection.TypeParagraph End With Next Note 'Delete all the endnotes. 'The reason for doing 2 seperate loops is because Word will automatically 'renumber the EndNotes as we delete them, so if we did the delete in the loop above, 'each EndNote would have the same reference number, i.e. Do While ActiveDocument.Endnotes.Count 0 Call ActiveDocument.Endnotes(1).Delete Loop 'Now the document should have no EndNotes objects, only the EndNote text that 'we 'typed' at the bottom of the document in the first loop. 'Also, all the EndNote references in the main document would have been removed, 'leaving only the bracketed numbers we 'typed' there. 'What we are left with are Bookmarks that now refer to the non-existing EndNotes.

'Interestingly enough, the removal of the EndNotes does not affect the Bookmarks. 'Here we can simply search for superscripted text, remove the formatting and 'place brackets around it. 'Looking for.

Selection.Find.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Font.Superscript = True 'Replacing with. Selection.Find.Replacement.ClearFormatting Selection.Find.Replacement.Font.Superscript = False 'Some more Find/Replace settings With Selection.Find '.IgnoreSpace = True 'I cannot get this to work here, but it works from the Find/Replace dialog. Possibly not available in Word 2000.Text = '.Replacement.Text = ' (^&)' 'The ^& here refers to the 'found text', so if we found 'abc' we will replace it with '(abc)'.Forward = True.Wrap = wdFindContinue.Format = True.MatchCase = False.MatchWholeWord = False.MatchWildcards = False.MatchSoundsLike = False.MatchAllWordForms = False End With 'Do it! Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll 'For neatness, place the cursor at the top of the document Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory 'Issues: 'ALL superscripted text will be affected, including white space and text that does not reference EndNotes.

'The correct solution would be to loop through the Bookmarks collection instead of doing a find/replace. Hi Harris, I've been OS for 3½ months, hence the delay in replying.

It seems to me the issue is that you're trying to convert NOTEREF fields (not bookmarks) to plain text after deleting the endnotes to which they refer and you're not going about it right way. Plus, you may be trying to do so with the field code display toggled on.

Word for Windows (2010 and 2007) To convert one or more footnotes or endnotes:. Open your document and select the References tab.

In the Footnotes group, click Show Notes. Select the notes you want to convert, and then right-click.

Dictionary translator

Select Convert to Footnote or Convert to Endnote. To convert all footnotes or endnotes:. Open the document and select the References tab.

Click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box launcher (it appears as a small square in the bottom-right corner of the tab). Then click Convert. Click OK or Apply. Word for Mac OS X (2011 and 2008).

With your document open, from the Insert menu, select Footnote. In Word 2011, click Convert.

In Word 2008, click Options., and then click Convert. Select from one of the following options:. Convert all footnotes to endnotes.

Convert all endnotes to footnotes. Swap footnotes and endnotes. Click OK in each of the dialog boxes.