How To Install Ps3 Themes Using Usb
More How To Install Ps3 Themes Using Usb videos. Click the memory card or USB device 11. Install and enjoy ^^. is a Playstation 3 themes fan site and is not affiliated with Sony. So we should have a Theme folder under the PS3 folder (ie E: PS3 Theme ) 3. Find a PS3 theme you want to install. Theme files end with a.p3t extension. Copy the.p3t file to the USB thumbdrive / harddrive and into the Theme folder (ie E: PS3 Theme TokenTheme.p3t ) 4. Plug in the USB thumbdrive / harddrive into your.
How to install a PS3 update via a USB key Your PlayStation 3 is not connected to the internet? Here's how to update the firmware manually. You can download and transfer the update file (PS3UPDAT.PUP) using a compatible storage device such as Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, a USB key (FAT32) or PSP. Prerequisites. A USB key formatted in FAT32. Create a PS3 folder at the root of your USB key.

Open the PS3 folder and create a UPDATE subfolder. NB: The folder names are case sensitive. Procedure. Download the latest update (4.70 24 February 2015) on your PC:. Transfer the PS3UPDAT.PUP file to the UPDATE folder. Connect the USB to your PS3. Go to Settings System Update, then Update via Storage Media.
How To Install Ps3 Update From Usb
Select the USB key and launch the update procedure.