Ricky Gervais Show Season 3
Description Ricky Gervais’ brainchild in three hilariously offbeat, idiocy-packed series. Aided and abetted by Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington, this is the complete collection of all 39 episodes of their phenomenal record-breaking podcasts transformed into cartoon form. The series is an animated version of the original podcasts that earned a spot in The Guinness Book of World Records for the most downloads. It is voiced by Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, and colleague and friend Karl Pilkington whose offbeat musings inspire many of the storylines.
The Ricky Gervais Show season 3 Download TV Show Full Episodes. All the seasons and serials get in 1 Click.
Name Description Time Price 1 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 1: Space Monkey Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant briefly explain the ongoing experiment of turning their pointless conversations with friend and colleague Karl Pilkington into an animated series – and then settle down to pointlessly discuss a range of topics. 22:56 £2.49 2 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 2: Knob At Night Stephen provides conversation fodder in the form of fan emails, leading to discussions about a lion that laid waste to Cambodian midget fighters. Karl shares his experiences of being conned when he's given in to his charitable instincts. 23:36 £2.49 3 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 3: Charity Karl revisits his concept for improving the life cycle.
Pilkington also shoots holes in the practice of donating a goat to an African family in lieu of giving a holiday gift, and finds flaw with the assumption that space travel is pleasurable. 26:18 £2.49 4 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 4: Dolphins Karl defends facials as more reasonable than enemas, and the friends discuss the customs of tribes in Papua New Guinea. Fan email raises the specter of armed dolphins and, in Monkey News, Karl relays the tale of a lonely monkey brought home by a zookeeper. 20:31 £2.49 5 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 5: Glass Houses Ricky and Stephen challenge Karl's interpretations of famous sayings such as, 'People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.' Stephen questions Karl on what he's learned since his New Year's resolution to learn something new every day. 24:03 £2.49 6 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 6: Cobblers Karl considers what body part he could do without and explains why he likes to do the dishes. Other headier topics include Descartes and Plato's untimely demise, as well as Karl's feelings about the usefulness of the saying 'A stitch in time saves nine.'
26:26 £2.49 7 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 7: The Diary Karl is back from holiday where he decided to start a diary. Ricky begs to read some of it, revealing a new invention Karl has come up with: A watch that counts down the days and time to one's death.
24:25 £2.49 8 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 8: Nuts Responding to fan emails, Karl is put on the spot about whether he would choose Ricky or Stephen to rescue from a sinking ship. The guys read from Karl's new massive diary. Other topics include: face transplants, Karl's lessons for children and suggestions for redesigning various creatures (the camel, the octopus). In Monkey News: An airline with striking workers resorts to a chimpanzee co-pilot, but is busted by an older female passenger in search of nuts. 25:30 £2.49 9 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 9: The Jockey In a newly minted segment 'Questions for Karl,' the anointed pundit discusses time travel and adult diapers. Stephen reads more entries from Karl's diary, which entertain Ricky immensely.
In Monkey News: A 1950s gangster was duped into using a monkey as jockey in an important race. 24:05 £2.49 10 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 10: The Fight Karl holds forth on what his approach would be to teaching. He throws out a few examples of provocative discussion topics including a dishwasher being found on Mars and dinosaurs as a form of population control. Questions from fans lead to a discussion about the viability of changing the length of a day. Stephen reads from Karl's diary, highlighting observations about whistling, worried ducks and a different kind of doppelganger.
In Monkey News: A man with failing eye sight who ends up at a chimp doctor. 24:53 £2.49 11 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 11: Beetles This week's topics include Karl's Valentine's Day advice, interpreting Wittgenstein and the rights of fish.
Stephen and Ricky explain Kafka's 'Metamorphosis,' and Karl ponders life as a beetle – as well as other insects. In readings from Karl's diary, we hear Karl's observations about various sayings and articles he's read as well as a visit to his family. In Monkey News: Karl announces this will be the final segment. 24:18 £2.49 12 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 12: Noises Stephen and Ricky have Karl complete the 'Inside the Actor's Studio' questionnaire which leads to lively discussion about worm and flower cognition.
Karl ponders organ donation in light of the possibility of an afterlife. Stephen reads from Karl's Diary, which includes musings on slippers, plumbing snafus, and germs. 25:23 £2.49 13 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 1, Episode 13: Freaks Karl ponders his entry interview with God at the Pearly Gates and reminisces about his youth. Stephen reads from Karl's Diary, hi-lighting passages about alien mind reading and whether having one's head on backwards is harder than having one's hands reversed. Finally, Karl offers his top five list of freaks.
24:46 £2.49 14 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 1: Clive Warren Karl pitches a bizarre idea for a film, in which the comatose hero, played by 'Clive Warren,' has his brain transplanted into his widow's head. Stephen reads from Karl's Diary, sharing his thoughts about the continent of Australia, why he hates camping, and spending time with his in-laws.
23:22 £2.49 15 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 2: Doppleganger Karl imagines what life would be like if he had an exact doppelganger. Ricky poses a logic riddle that Karl has difficulty solving. Entries from Karl's Diary include his difficultly understanding art, why he hates Ricky's cat and when medical science goes too far. Stephen shares some embarrassing anecdotes form a recent trip to Rio de Janiero. 23:53 £2.49 16 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 3: The Fly Ricky teaches Karl some interesting facts about animals. Karl offers a misguided theory about evolution then recounts the latest scientific breakthroughs in medicine. Stephen reads from Karl's Diary, sharing his thoughts about the Congo, the decline of gadgets and watching films with subtitles.
The Ricky Gervais Show Complete Season 3 Mkv
24:19 £2.49 17 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 4: Onion Karl addresses one of his pet peeves, animals who are treated like people, and issues a public safety announcement for chameleons. He considers the question, 'Does the brain control you or do you control the brain?' In Karl's diary, Stephen reads about the futility of taking a picture with a mime and why we should do away with birthday presents altogether. 24:55 £2.49 18 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 5: Insects Karl imagines what life would be like if he had an exact doppelganger. Ricky poses a logic riddle that Karl has difficulty solving.
Entries from Karl's Diary include his difficultly understanding art, why he hates Ricky's cat and when medical science goes too far. Stephen shares some embarrassing anecdotes form a recent trip to Rio de Janiero. 24:36 £2.49 19 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 6: Kidneys Karl discovers he has a kidney stone and spends time in the hospital. Ricky stops by to visit and mock him.
Karl considers animals that look like things and wonders if that's difficult for them. Ricky asks Karl if he believes everything he reads is true, and if so, how Noah was able to get all of the animals into the ark. In Karl's diary, he describes a romantic getaway with his wife. Karl offers romantic advice, 'Don't go out of your way too much.' Stephen has an awkward encounter in the pool.
Youtube The Ricky Gervais Show Season 3 Episode 11
24:10 £2.49 20 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 7: Night Club Karl says he wouldn't mind life as a littler person, since everything from food portions to cities would be bigger for him. Stephen recounts his night out at a London club.
During a stay at the hospital, Karl has a bothersome neighbor and later writes a poem about it. In Monkey News, Ricky casts doubt on Karl's story about a monkey toll operator in the jungle. 24:26 £2.49 21 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 8: Future Ricky reads some predictions for the future from an academic study, which leads Karl to share his theories. Stephen asks the guys if today were the end of the world, what would they do with their last day? 24:29 £2.49 22 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 9: Natural History Karl contemplates how many different species are actually needed in the world, and whether or not we should keep looking for new forms of life. Karl questions if inventions like modern vacuum cleaners and toasters are necessary. Ricky describes an automobile powered by human waste, which Karl enthusiastically endorses.
Karl tells a story of his father's friend who used to own a misbehaving monkey. Ricky and Karl describe their fantasy designs for the world's most perfect animal. Ricky tries to redesign the human body with the help of Karl. 24:11 £2.49 23 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 10: Leg Rubber Karl reminisces about an overabundance of breath mints throughout his childhood. Karl dismisses cures for blindness found via research with mice. After years of nursing a childhood leg injury, Karl visits a massage therapist with dubious credentials. Ricky, Stephen and Karl describe their earliest memories.
Karl finds an adult magazine in his doctor's waiting room and learns more about alternative lifestyles. 23:38 £2.49 24 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 11: Mrs. Battersby After contemplating the concept of memory, Ricky and Karl role-play as the two lobes of Karl's brain. Karl describes a childhood weekend of talkative ghosts and befriending pocket calculators. Karl pretends he manages a plumbing company and gets tough with his employees.
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In Karl's diary, he explains why martians are more advanced than earthlings, describes what happens when a horse walks into a bar, and questions whether or not we're running out of new sounds. 23:30 £2.49 25 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 12: Art Ricky, Stephen and Karl discuss the nature of art, and whether old urinals or sharks in formaldehyde should be considered artistic works. Karl describes the benefits living in an apartment with a huge mirrored wall, and tells the story of a woman from his childhood who only communicated via reflection. The trio discuss sculpture and the importance of their appropriate placement in public spaces. Ricky contemplates the viability of dramatic subject matter as performed by colorful foam puppets. Ricky visits an outsider art gallery. Karl defends whistling as valid form of artistic expression.
23:15 £2.49 26 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 2, Episode 13: Munchies Ricky and Stephen challenge Karl to describe his ideal version of the world as conjured in a magical isolation tank, but Karl is suspicious of a 'perfect' life. Karl describes his theory of the 'Problem Hole.' Karl's Auntie Nora prepares a curry that doesn't age well. Karl explains his snack eating rituals to Ricky and Stephen in the park. Young Karl get his biggest wish, but get the desired results. Finally, Karl profiles a wealthy man he met on holiday, leading Ricky and Stephen to coax a surprising reaction out of Karl. 23:22 £2.49 27 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 1: Bryan's Brain Ricky, Stephen and Karl discuss Karl's theory on how museums procure items for their collections (stealing), his invention for a special mug coaster, and his disappointment that the pocket tie never caught on.

Also, Karl pitches his new idea for a film about a man whose brain is transplanted into Tom Cruise's body. 24:00 £2.49 28 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 2: Comic Relief Karl discusses why he believes a will is a form of charity, and how his attorney suggested he marry his girlfriend for tax purposes. After Stephen recalls being the only kid in his school to dress in a costume for Comic Relief Day, Karl shares his idea that there should be one, and only one, charitable cause per year. 24:23 £2.49 29 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 3: Armed Forces After Ricky informs Karl that he is very popular amongst members of the Armed Services, Karl recounts how, as a kid, he looked up to his older brother, who was in the Army, and longed to join because he made his bed so neatly. Also, Karl describes a harrowing day when he defended a pie from a bank robber and other acts of bravery. 24:52 £2.49 30 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 4: Room 102 Ricky suggests they play 'Room 102', a take on George Orwell's 'Room 101' from 1984, and asks Karl what he would banish to Room 102 forever. Also, Karl shares his solution to keep overweight people from eating in the middle of the night, and chooses the one item he would take with him if stranded on a desert island.
23:42 £2.49 31 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 5: Karl's Day After Karl insists that he is really a happy-go-lucky guy at heart, spending most of his time home alone doing DIY projects, Ricky and Stephen ask Karl to take them through the ins and outs of a typical day in his life. 25:09 £2.49 32 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 6: The English Ricky, Stephen and Karl take turns describing the quintessential Englishman, and Karl explains why, if he could be any nationality other than English, he'd choose to be Italian.
26:23 £2.49 33 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 7: Law & Order Ricky, Stephen and Karl discuss Karl's view on capital punishment, whether or not Ricky follows the Ten Commandments in his daily life, and how Karl would negotiate a hostage situation. 24:27 £2.49 34 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 8: Medicine Karl shares his thoughts on medical advancements, how being sick makes him feel better, and his idea for a machine that would allow doctors to feel their patients' pain. 23:50 £2.49 35 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 9: Earth Ricky describes the beginnings of the Universe and asks Karl what other creatures might have evolved on Earth if conditions weren't right for humans. Karl talks about why he doesn't recycle and shares his thoughts about travelling the world and the many toilets he has encountered. 26:48 £2.49 36 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 10: Society Ricky, Stephen and Karl discuss the laws of society and what rules Karl would enforce (or not) if he were president.
Stephen asks Karl what he would have done if he had been on the bus during the historic Rosa Parks protest. 25:27 £2.49 37 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 11: Wartime Karl ponders why old things are always considered great and whether one day his recently published book will be considered a masterpiece. Also, Karl's thoughts on the meaning of wartime sayings like 'keep the home fires burning' and what Karl would think if he were the wife of a GI. 25:17 £2.49 38 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 12: World Cup Ricky and Stephen reminisce about watching the World Cup in a hotel room, and the awkward situation of sharing the bed. Karl, Ricky and Stephen discuss the problem of overzealous sports fans, as well as cheating in sports and life. Ricky shares the story of when he tried out for soccer as a kid; Karl recounts how he recently tested how much saliva he could produce. 26:03 £2.49 39 Caution Closed Captioning Video Season 3, Episode 13: The Year When asked about his highlight of the past year, Karl describes an incident of an insect that ate a crumb from his biscuit, which leads into a discussion of Karl's observations on the insect world.
Stephen recounts the embarrassment of buying condoms and reads selections from Karl's Diary, which includes Karl's thoughts on avocado-cutting injuries, dating identical twins, and a recent visit to his parents' house. 26:43 £2.49 39 Episodes.