Lock On Gold Lomac Flaming Cliffs English (working Finally)

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Lock On Gold Lomac Flaming Cliffs English (working Finally) Average ratng: 4,1/5 3663 votes

Lock On Modern Air Combat Gold Crack – 2. Air Combat Gold PCEng. Lock On Modern Air Combat Gold PCEng English PC Developer: Eagle Dynamics 7. Lock on gold goes beyond what UBi was involved with and brings you to the version 1.1 'flaming cliffs'. You can them patch up to version 1.12b for free and this.

Hello LOMAC Forum, I own copies of Lock On, Lock On Flamming Cliffs and the Lock On Gold collection of both. The problem is NO ONE ELSE owns it.

UBISOFT, apart from patches, offers no installation assistance with Lock On or Flamming Cliffs. They do not recognize the Gold Edition as it was sold to Evolved Games, who in turn does not answer emails or telephone calls for support. My problem is basic: How do I install the program so it will launch. From what I have 'learned' Lock On must be installed prior to installing F/C. My LO will not install unless, by trickery, I dump it into a directory so that F/C will install. Once this is done, I can get a F/C launch screen, but no Start.

I do get a Runtime error, however. So, how do I obtain an intelligent installation of LOMAC GOLD on a AMD 64, XP HOME, SP2, Nvidia GeForce 7800? Having attacked this problem through compatibility settings, file dumping and indirect LO to F/C installs. I am willing to start from any new angle. Inline advert (2nd and 3rd post) - 09/01/08 09:42 PM Re: LOCK ON INSTALL? Joined: Sep 2000 Posts: 610 Member Member Joined: Sep 2000 Posts: 610.

Thank you for responding. There is NO reference number to the Run Time Error, only a Fatal Error C warning. This is preceeded by a 'Memory Instruction at 0x03100792 referenced memory at 0x03100792. Memory could not be 'read'. Since my posting I have learned and done the following. I have the Lock On Gold edition which combines both Lock On and the 'unauthorized' addon of Flaming Cliffs.

Eagle dynamics

This release by Evolved Games has apparent problems. Mine is that it will not install. At one point in time, the program was installed and removed. But the super smart security system refuses to believe that content and folder have been removed and will not install or setup Lock On.

Lomac flaming cliffs

As Flaming Cliffs requires a Lock On prior install, I have tried frustratingly to work around the by first 1) dumping all the Lock On CD contents into an Evolved folder. I then run patch 1.1 and paste its content in the game folder hoping it will emulate an install. I does not because the start up or main executable refuses to function because it can not find the program.

So I next trick Flaming Cliffs to install into a folder called Lock On 1.1. After this installation, I then move the directory to paste over the contents of the Evolved or Lock On folder. This brings on a security check, at least some recogntion of my efforts then a Fatal Run Time error message. My major problem(s) appear to be the Gold Edition by Evolved, but I still had no more success with the UBISOFT original. And that the Gold edition program installation programs are linked. Some files are in CD1, some related files are in CD2. But CD1 is Lock On and CD2 is Flaming Cliffs.

Each depends on the installation of the other apparently. So, I am going in a circle. Is there a way out know to the community??

- 09/06/08 01:27 AM Re: LOCK ON INSTALL? Joined: Aug 2008 Posts: 645 Phil S Phil S Member Joined: Aug 2008 Posts: 645.

HELLO.HELLO, There is ONE response, a question, to this site. Two are outlines of my predicament. Any buddy have any ideas or links to a fully incorporated and downloadable version of LOMAC? Lock On will not install. I dump it into a folder named Evolved.

Flamming Cliffs will install through some trickery to another drive in a folder of Lock On 1.1 which is then 'moved' to join the Lock On folder. Some security verifaction runs.Then NOTHING. HELP - 09/06/08 03:35 AM Re: LOCK ON INSTALL? Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333 Member Member Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333. Having read your posts now a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time with fresher eyes this morning and more coffee in my system, I realize that I'm not sure of what you've done. 1) It sounds as if you already had, at a miinimum, Lock On V1.0x installed either with or without the Flaming Cliffs add-on. You then uninstalled it and, since then, have been unable to reinstall.

2) If that's the case, and my above suggestion concerning 'InstallShield' doesn't work, uninstall whatever you now have installed. If you can't uninstall, then delete the Lock On directory on your hard drive. If it does 'uninstall', then make sure its directory and contents are completely removed. If the sim still refuses to install (it gives you the option to 'Play', etc but install is greyed out, then there are lingering references to it in your Registry that must be removed. 3) Once it's completely removed from your hard drive, open the Registry Editor (START/Run, type: regedit).

Since you've had so many distributions of this sim possibly installed, use the search function (Edit/Find) to locate anything involving Eagle Dynamics or Ubisoft or Lock On or Flaming Cliffs or Evolved. For now only look in: HKEYCURRENTUSER Software: Make sure that only the folder you are interested in is highlighted. Then right click the folder and select: Export. Give it a name and save it. This saves a copy of this folder or 'key'. That way, you can recover it, if necessary. Now, right click again and select: Delete.

That particular registry reference to the sim is gone. Repeat as necessary. The problem is that you've had so many 'manufacturers' involved and I'm not sure of the order they were installed. So I'm not sure what references might be in your Registry. Take your time and look around. IMPORTANT: If you have other software from Ubisoft or Evolved installed then, obviously, only delete the references to Lock On or Flaming Cliffs and not the entire key.

HOORAY FOR RICH.I thank you very much for the two most well thought answers to a question which has troubled me as well as a computer friend and wizard in the state of Washington. How do you get Lock On simply installed and with Flaming Cliffs to run as a unit?? I had thought the install scenario. But this had been previously attempted and I am running out of AKAs for the file. Your directions on the REGEDIT, the 'pittures' were most helpful, did 'solve' the problem.

After sending any LockOn, Lock On, Lock On Gold,Eagle Dynamics, Evolved Games related reference in the registry to Windows Nirvana, I rebooted the system and found that when CD1 or Lock On Gold was launched, I saw 'install' for the first time in many months. I did try the install. Yet it ran for about twenty minutes with flashing HD lights and hour glasses on the screen, but setup was never engaged.

This Might be as a result of the various PC tools, as Registry Mechanic, System Mechanic, or Antivirals as AVG that run in the background. I think it is the setup process employed by Evolved who did a haphazard procedure that tried to join an Ubisoft setup with an 'unofficial' addon in one package. As I have ordered a UBI Soft original of Lock On and a independant Flaming Cliffs I believe that continued frustration with the install will only lead to continued frustration UNLESS YOU HAVE IDEAS AS TO HOW TO TURN LIGHTS AND SYMBOLS into setup action(???). My Washington friend has installed both games on his system drive and will 'burn' a combined CD for me. These are may latest options in trying to get LOMAC to install, launch and run again as an excellent mil-areo simulator. I thank you for the excellent assistance in finding the 'speed bump'. Eliminated, it almost launches.

If you have ideas to turn the intentions of the install program to genuine setup action, I would be most appreciative. 09/06/08 10:17 PM Re: LOCK ON INSTALL? Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333 Member Member Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333. Only a gaming fool would use VISTA or at least an eternal gaming optimist. I use XP Home, S/P2 and not being a complete fool, Not S/P3 Ah.very smart, then. Unfortunately, though, I am now out of ideas concerning your problem.

I imagine that you thought of the obvious and checked to make sure the disk was both clean and not scratched, etc. If I think of anything else or run across anything, I'll post it here. EDIT:: BTW, in your first post you state that you have: '.copies of Lock On, Lock On Flamming Cliffs and the Lock On Gold.' Do you, indeed, have the single Lock On disk (non-Gold)? If so, have you tried installing from that this time around? Dear Rich, You are correct. I have Lock On Gold which is the least responsive, almost as unresponsive as Evolved Games which answers neither emails to its tech support unit nor telephone calls to its Fort Lauderdale office.

I am suspecting my current problem of extended installation results from their setup procedure that tries to tie togather to similar programs from two completely different developpers. I have the original Lock On by Ubisoft and Flaming Cliffs, the 'unofficial' addon. However, during my most recent attempts to obtain a launch my two developper set was given to a friend who installed them on his HD and burned them to a CD in order to create a combined, linked program.

I will get the CD combination and the two developper CDs this week.Then I choose not to pursue the Evolved Gold version as it reportly has 'some' problems which have led to a recall. I could go through a manual install via Setup.exe or through a compatabilty exercise, but the chances for ongoing disappointment and a conflicting registry file which you greatly assisted in cleansing makes me wait. So, unless you have any additional very good instructions I will 'hold' until the other set arrives. OVER - 09/07/08 06:57 PM Re: LOCK ON INSTALL? Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333 Member Member Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333.

The difficulty with the 'Gold' version lay in the 2nd disk (Flaming Cliffs). The first, as far as I know, always installed fine. IIRC, the reason you are not getting any response from Evolved is that they aare out of business. I could be wrong on that though.

But I have a hazy recollection of reading that at some point. Hopefully, the blended disk your friend is sending will be the solution.

I have some doubts about that, though, because of the copy protection. But perhaps not. Sure hope it works out. I am suspecting my current problem of extended installation results from their setup procedure that tries to tie together to similar programs from two completely different developers.Lock On: Modern Air Combat and Lock On: Flaming Cliffs, were developed by the same people, not different developers.

I have no idea why you went through all of the steps you described in your first few posts; none of that should be necessary nor do I see where it might help. However, cleaning out the registry and then installing from scratch is the right thing to do. I don't know why it's not working.

Have you tried installing LOMAC (the first CD) onto another computer, to see what happens? Hello Joe and Rich Thank you both for your support.

Today, Monday, I receive a copy of Lock On by Ubi.com or lo-mac.com. Having exasperated myself with the GOLD edition, I thought the original might be more efficient.

Again, I thank you Rich for the 'clean the registry' guidance as I had long thought that some LOMAC residue was impeding display of the INSTALL command on the introductory screen. It is now there on Disc1 of Gold and on the Lock On Disc. Even though I have eliminated the Ubi.com empty folder, NOTHING HAPPENS, Today, I tried the Autorun on the Intro screen. After a few minutes of HD lights and noise with hour glass symbols, I recieved only two system beeps and a system freeze up. I next tried SETUP.exe in the CD directory. Same results as with Autorun.

I finally tried my trusty Microsoft Compatibility Administrator set to run SETUP under WIN98 conditions. Unfortunately Joe, it will run on my wife's DELL Vostro Laptop, XP S/P2, ATI Radeon Express, but it will not work on my desktop, an AMD 64 3500, XP S/P2, Nvidia GeForce 7800. As both of you can well imagine, accessiblity, general enjoyment and flexibility (nag avoidance) oblige a desktop solution. Any better ideas?? - 09/09/08 03:34 PM Re: LOCK ON INSTALL?

Joined: Apr 2002 Posts: 17,733 Veteran Veteran Joined: Apr 2002 Posts: 17,733. I have AVG, System Mechanic, Registry Mechanic all in operation along with Skybot.

I have thought this was a potential problem source as TSRs can suspend and good install operation. I did in fact try last night to suspend all boot files for a clean, no clutter setup. That did not work. I also renamed my Installshield.

No joy here either. I probably 'tap' into Canadian wisdom at UBISOFT tech support. I will let my findings and, of course, any success, be known. 09/09/08 11:34 PM LOCK ON WONDERS Joined: Aug 2008 Posts: 645 Phil S Phil S Member Joined: Aug 2008 Posts: 645. Dear Joe and Rich, Thinking that the world was upside down, I tried again to launch Lock On, in fact the Gold edition, from the wife's Vostro Laptop. Maybe not with the best of sound, pretty good graphics, nothing but keyboard control, but it launch in Version 1.1.

However, I spent a very circular day, lucky not to have flown up my orifice by flying ever tighter circles, going back and forth with Ubisoft Tech Support. The problem of install with Lomac is not new, they said. But the corrective instructions did sound very generic. 1) Selective startup/reboot with 'Load Startup items' also unchecked. 2) Cold Boot 3) Update firmware drivers for CD Driver. 4) Update InstallShield software or rename existing shield folder I did all the above over time.It was a very long as well as frustrating afternoon, highlighted by Anglo Saxon oaths.

NOTHING worked, though I did update the NEC CD firmware and found a InstallShield 'update' download following a websearch. Any particular favorites on Installshield setup would be appreciated. I received the same flashing HD lights, an occasional CDROM Driver light and flickering hour glasses on the desktop. Then a computer generated sound that noted the process had failed and the system was most likely locked up and it was time to reboot Any collective ideas? I am stumped and would enjoy the pleasure of LOMAC on the desktop.

Gentlemen, After several attempts at various settings on the Compatibility Adminstrator,(WIN98, GlobalMemoryStatusLie, Emulate Heap etc) two 'safeboots', selective boots per Ubisofts recommendations, updating my NEC ND-3540A CD drive firmware, tinkering with InstallShield. I am no closer to an setup or installation than before. I did note that there are a legion of related websites.

So, the program must work well and reliably. It does so, or so it appears, on the wife's hidden Vostro laptop.

But not on my desktop.better performance, graphics, configurability and accessibility. My next thought comes from related experience. Could it be the residue of STARFORCE from an earlier installation of LOMAC or Flamming Cliffs lurking in some file folder? I have run Regedit and SEARCH of Desktop, My Documents and System Drive finding nothing under STARFORCE. Yet my sense is that the copy protection or security software could be prohibiting further installations, believing the 'one' which created it is the sole legal edition.

So apart from my other escapades, which would appreciate some further quidance, does a STARFORCE 'neutralizer' exist that would permit an installation of LOMAC that would allow an install of Flamming Cliffs?? - 09/11/08 06:10 PM Re: INSTALL? Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333 Member Member Joined: Jul 2003 Posts: 333.

Ummm.I'm going to kick myself, if this turns out to be 'it'. I might have missed it in one of your posts but: are you running a firewall?

If so, turn it off-or better yet-keep it from starting-reboot and try again. Sometimes a firewall will stop a program and you don't see the firewall prompt because it's hidden behind the install screen(s). So it'll appear that the installation has frozen when it's actually halted while your firewall waits for you to tell it if it's okay to run the install. EDIT: What you are experiencing doesn't sound like 'Starforce residue'.

It would simply give you a screen asking for info of some sort that you'd be unable to provide, if that were the case. Dear Rich, There may well be a 'firewall' as I am running, SPYBOT, AVG, System Mechanic who are all seeking Al Queda software. Yet I have done selective reboots and safeboots that 'should' by pass any and all intrudering protectors of the land. This also does not work, Something is conflicting.

I did find a Starforce eliminator from the company, but it did nothing other than tell me that Starforce could not be found in the system. I raised this with Eagle in Russia who told me today to play with the InstallShield Wizard. While their ideas are good, they have not lead to the special event or installation. I am now once again in communication with Ubisoft, North Carolina Tech Support with System Information32 and MsConfig Information in transit. I think it is an InstallShield or something related that is impeding the 'launch' or the setup process. Your thoughts are most welcome.

Please keep them coming. I will of course let you know of my advances and retreats.

Lock On Modern Air Combat: Platinum – PC Game Review Lock On Modern Air Combat: Platinum. PC Game Review. Eagle Dnamics/The Fighter Group. Passed Inspection. Gorgeous visuals. Extremely accessible. Variety of airframes.

Excellent replay value with the new mission editor and online multiplayer options. Links with DCS Black Shark online. Failed Basic.

Failed Basic. Digital rights management requires an Internet connection to activate it. Extremely long loading times, even with 8GB of RAM. If something can be done in a modern military aircraft, chances are you can do it in LOMAC Platinum. The original Lock On: Modern Air Combat ( LOMAC) is a successor of the critically acclaimed Su-27 Flanker series of ultra-realistic Russian modern military aircraft simulations. LOMAC Platinum, also developed by Eagle Dynamics/The Fighter Collection and published by Ubisoft, includes all of what made LOMAC a hit, and takes it even further by adding the recently released Flaming Cliffs 2 add-on.

LOMAC Platinum is a survey simulation, which models a variety of different aircraft, instead of a study simulation, which would model and focus completely on a single aircraft. In most cases survey simulations tend to be a lot less realistic than a study simulation, due to the fact that the developers have to split their development efforts among a variety of aircraft. With LOMAC that was never the case, which is why LOMAC was as much revolutionary as it was evolutionary upon its initial release.

It’s as realistic as most study simulations, but scalable enough that it can be accessible like a traditional survey simulation. The aircraft modeled that are player flyable in LOMAC Platinum include the F-15C Eagle, A-10A Warthog, Su-27 Flanker, Su-33 Sea Flanker, Su-25 Frogfoot, Su-25T Improved Frogfoot, MiG-29A Fulcrum and MiG-29C Improved Fulcrum. There’s literally over a hundred other AI models in the simulation as well, on the ground, in the air, and on the sea. This variety of aircraft also offers a nice balance of air superiority fighter aircraft, and ground pounding beasts. Among the latter is the Su-25 Frogfoot, a modern day version of the WWII–era IL2 Sturmovik, which is Russia’s answer to the A-10 Warthog.

Both are amazing close air support (CAS) aircraft. The F-15C is still one of America’s best fixed-wing aircraft available today, with a 100:0 kill ratio. The Su-27 Flanker was initially developed to combat the F-15, and is quite formidable itself. The Su-33 Sea Flanker, as the name implies, is the naval variant, which is carrier ops ready. The MiG-29 Fulcrum is an amazing short-range fighter, sharing much of the same avionics and capabilities as the Su-27.

Each of the aircraft is amazingly detailed, complete with 3D cockpits, all of which have every proper button, dial and switch modeled. The exterior 3D models are equally as impressive: if you didn’t know any better, at the right angle or distance you could easily believe you were staring at a photograph of an F-15C, instead of a 3D model in a PC flight simulation.

Once in the air, peering over your shoulder down at the world below, you find nothing but photo-realistic terrain as far as the eye can see. During a night mission when on the ground, you can even turn on taxi lights, which looks fantastic. All the graphics bells and whistles are quite scalable. Even the recommended requirements calls for no more than an Intel Core 2 Duo/AMD X2, 3GB of RAM and a 512MB ATI 4850 or Nvidia 8800 graphics card. The minimum requirements only call for a P4 2.4GHz, 2GB RAM and a 256MB DirectX 9.0 compatible video card.

My only gripe is the extremely long loading times in-between screens. Even with 8GB of memory, the loading times are pretty brutal. Installation only takes up 6GB of hard drive space. While the original LOMAC had no copy protection at all, Lock On Platinum’s Flaming Cliffs 2 part of the package does require Internet activation. The game box contains a CD version of the original LOMAC 1.01, and a DVD with the entire Flaming Cliffs 2 add-on; you simply install one on top of the other.

You’re also left with two separate launch icons, one for LOMAC version 1.01, and one for LOMAC Flaming Cliffs 2. Therefore, Platinum is really two complete simulations in one. The realism is also scalable.

Eagle dynamics

If you fly with the realism of each option cranked the max, you better know how to work the avionics and how to fly the real plane modeled, or you’ll be in big trouble in no time. Every single radar mode of each plane is modeled in detail, with all the various HUD modes. If full-blown realism is too much for you, there’s always the option to dumb things down.

You can keep the realistic flight modeling, but opt for less realism in avionics and missile effectiveness. It’s your call; this is a very accessible simulation. Even with the options to dumb things down, LOMAC still has a learning curve. If you’ve flown other modern-day military aviation PC simulations, you’re probably familiar with US or NATO aircraft, which are usually of US origin, and with AIM-120 long-range missiles and the AIM 7 Sparrow medium-range missiles. Many players know that an AIM-9 Sidewinder is the rear-aspect short-range weapon of choice, but won’t know what the heck an R-27, R-77 or an R-73 is or what each of the HUD modes are in the Russian aircraft—because they’re represented in Cyrillic characters. However, if you opt for easy mode avionics, everything is easier to decipher, as it will say simply GUN, or BVR at the bottom of the HUD in English.

You still need to read up on what missile is best for which task, as things are very different in the Russian planes. It’s pretty daunting at first, but once you learn what HUD mode is for NAV and which is for air-to-air, you’ll remember them because, like anything else, practice makes perfect. I will say this—once you sit down and fly a successful mission in one of the Russian aircraft, you will definitely feel like you’ve accomplished something. There are some definite advantages to flying the Russian aircraft. For instance the Su-27, MiG-29 and Su-33 all have an Electro-Optical system, which they can use instead of radar. This system doesn’t emit radar signals, making them less detectable and more lethal at range than most.

The Russian aircraft are also much simpler in design. There are fewer bells and whistles in the cockpit, because they didn’t have the big budgets of their Western counterparts. They spent their money more wisely and focused on bringing the pain and on the survivability of the airframe.

If something can be done in a modern military aircraft, chances are you can do it in LOMAC Platinum. Want to practice landing on an aircraft carrier? No problem, load up the Su-33 and give it a shot. The Su-25 and A-10 both handle like a school bus, as they should at low speed when fully loaded, but either can swoop in and deliver a ground fireworks show like no other.

Nothing relieves stress like unloading an entire payload from either of those airframes on ground threats and limping away to tell about it. Want to see who truly is the Beyond Visual Range (BVR) king? Set up a mission going head to head in an F-15C versus a Su-27 or MiG-29 to see who is the last man standing—uh, flying. There’s quick mission tool, in addition to a full-blown, newly improved mission editor.

Flaming Cliffs 2 even lets you add scripted events to your own player-created missions, which makes an already fantastic mission editor now legendary. The original LOMAC comes with a campaign in the Crimean Peninsula. In Flaming Cliffs 2 this is replaced by the new Georgia campaign region.

Therefore, all the original LOMAC missions and campaigns are included, in addition to what Flaming Cliffs 2.0 adds. The original LOMAC included 4 campaigns, and about 5 single missions for each of the aircraft.

Eagle Dynamics

LOMAC Flaming Cliffs 2 offers 7 different campaigns, and the single missions option provides 7–10 missions for each of the 8 aircraft included. Mutiplayer is also part of the package, and—Good news!— LOMAC Platinum is fully compatible for head-to-head and cooperative missions with DCS Blackshark ( Blackshark owners need to download a free patch to enable this). It’s quite exhilarating getting a kill online with the realism options on because most of the online crowd are hardcore simulation enthusiasts who play for keeps. The multiplayer performance is rock solid, too. The entire Flaming Cliffs 2 interface now matches that of DCS Blackshark. Gone is the simple and generic looking interface of the original LOMAC.

Gisela Navarrete Franco. Acquired unilateral nevoid telangiectasia in a healthy men.

Lomac Flaming Cliffs

Another new feature I really find useful is completely separate controller configurations for each of the different aircraft. I don’t recommend thinking you can get by with a mouse and the keyboard; this is a simulation, and a joystick with a throttle lever/dial and twisting rudder action is the very least I’d recommend. Anything less will dull the experience, and is counterproductive. LOMAC Platinum is definitely a major improvement over all previous versions of LOMAC, including the Gold Edition. If you’re looking for the best modern-day military survey aircraft simulation you can get, the best just got better, and here’s the deal-sealer: LOMAC Platinum costs just $19.99! This very well might be the best value in PC military aviation combat simulations that we’ve seen to date. For the extremists, there’s also a separate Flaming Cliffs 2 extended flight manual you can purchase for $29.99.

This is a 308-page, spiral-bound manual you can buy direct from Eagle Dynamics, which covers in great detail how to operate each aircraft via the most realistic options. There’s also a tactical chart for $24.99, which is a huge aeronautical map of the entire Georgia region in which LOMAC Flaming Cliffs 2 and DCS Blackshark takes place. Armchair General Score: 93% About the Author: Rod White is a veteran writer with almost two decades’ experience covering games, hardware, military aviation and combat simulations for the PC, as well as diecast collectibles and various tabletop miniatures war games.

Formerly co-founder and owner of PC Multimedia & Entertainment Magazine, one of the Internet’s first true online gaming publications to cover PC games, simulations and hardware, he also hosted the ground-breaking RealVideo/RealAudio show called CombatReporterLive! For the AllGamesNetwork/Pseudo, Inc.

Lomac Flaming Cliffs Patch

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