Be My Love Mario Lanza Pdf

Performer: Mario Lanza; Jeff Alexander Choir Writer: Nicholas Brodszky; Sammy Cahn Tenor; with Orchestra; from the M-G-M film, 'Toast of New Orleans'. Digitized at 78 revolutions per minute. Four stylii were used to transfer this record. They are 3.5mm truncated eliptical, 2.3mm truncated conical, 2.8mm truncated conical, 3.3mm truncated eliptical. These were recorded flat and then also equalized with Turnover: 400.0, Rolloff: -12.0. The preferred versions suggested by an audio engineer at George Blood, L.P. Have been copied to have the more friendly filenames.
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Elisa Lanza
Instantly view and print Mario Lanza Piano/Vocal/Chords sheet music online — Be My Love. Nov 02, 2012 MARIO LANZA-BE MY LOVE. By simonpayne12. Play next; Play now; Mario Lanza - You are my love by Yoni89. Play next; Play now; MARIO LANZA - WE.
Mario Lanza Danny Boy
Matrix number: 10-1561A 6S I Catalog number: 10-1561-A Other IDs from the record include: (49-1353-A) Notes The recording on the other side of this disc.