2d Platform Game Starter Kit

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2d Platform Game Starter Kit Average ratng: 4,3/5 4335 votes
  1. Cross Platform 2d Game Engine
  2. Hardcoding A 2d Platform Game In Visual Basic

2D Platformer Mini Starter Kit. Perfect template for a first platformer game. However, people already experienced with Unity may find it a bit overly simplistic.

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Cross Platform 2d Game Engine

Hi I am new here, I was going to buy TGB in few days mainly to start making platform games like mario. Today I came to know about Platform starter kit which helps to make such game but is limited to TXB and torque X. Now if I buy TGB by monday i think I will get TXB for free. Torque x is already free. So if I buy Platform starter kit and code a full game in torque x and txb, I will get restricted to only publish it for xbox 360 or windows. No mac or linux as allowed in TGB.

Hardcoding A 2d Platform Game In Visual Basic


So my questions are - 1) Is there a chance that a platformer starter kit for tgb will come out in future? 2) as TGB AND TXB are similar, will it be easy to APPLY the same logic in tgb which I used in TxB (for designing)? While for coding as torque x uses c# while tgb uses torque or c that means for making the same game I will have to reprogram the whole thing in tgb? Simply speaking how helpfull this starter kit will be to me while using tgb? I think making this starter kit only for torque x has limited its wide use, today most of us want to create games for more number of platforms.

1) The TGB platformer kit was a pet project of Adam Larson and I. It was actually started before the Torque X Platformer Starter Kit was even conceived, but we don't currently have anyone working on it. Adam and I are both very busy with Torque X 3D stuff and at this point it's unclear when (or even if) we'll get back to the TGB platformer kit and finish it. 2) Yes, all the logic you use in Torque X will be applicable to TGB because logic isn't language or platform specific. If you make a game using the Torque X Platformer Starter Kit, however, most of the difficult logic will already have been handled for you. Stuff like platformer-specific physics, collision, pickup logic, inventory, animation management, and control are already handled for you in the kit, whereas in TGB you would be starting from a pretty blank slate. Not to mention the fact that you might need to make some very slight TGB engine modifications to get all the functionality in the Torque X kit into a TGB game.

If your final goal is a platformer for Windows/Mac/Linux, as I think is the case, skip the platformer kit and start from scratch with TGB. There are plenty of people on the TGB forums who are developing platformers and there are even some extensive (30+ post long threads) about player physics in a platformer game. On the other hand, if you want to include XNA as a target platform, realize that you will be developing twice: once for TGB and once for Torque X. The platformer kit will be helpful because you'll get full source of a functional and full-featured platformer demo and framework with detailed documentation. But it will still be quite a bit of work on your part to try to port it to C/TorqueScript.

The kit took over 6 months to develop, so don't expect it to be a quick task. If you're new to all our tech, I wouldn't suggest this as your first project. Hey i have bought the starter kit can u tell me if im right if i want to make a good pro platformer its better to use torque game builder not torque x because there is more tutorials and resources.I want to know can i use the level design like torque x in the fact that i can create angle collision and draw the collision manualy like the invisable material in the demo over ruff surfaces.i really need a reply because im about 2 invest a lot of time.torque x or builder.another is can u still sell the game made in builder some how.is builder dated should i not waste my time.helllllllllllp.